Success Stories
Sept 2023 Erin M
“JUMP is the best company that I’ve worked with.”
2023 Client Name Withheld
“I think the JUMP team has been great. You guys were a critical piece in helping me get the confidence to get back to work again.”
3/10/23 By Julie King for the March Gladness Campaign
Better Together Success Story with JUMP and LaChalle Shay
LaChalle’s first experience with disabilities was with a family member diagnosed with spina bifida. They
used a wheelchair even though the house didn't have a ramp. Family members would carry them in and out of the house. They didn’t treat her any differently than anyone else. LaChalle start working with people with disabilities in her first job with Sunflower Diversified in Great Bend in 1991. She moved from that position to Starkey in Wichita as a work trainer in the sheltered workshop. She was promoted to a behavior management specialist and then to case manager. She missed working directly with clients, so she went to ResCare as a program coordinator managing a valued day activity program.
As ResCare grew it became a sheltered workshop and employment services. This was her first
introduction into VR where she worked with Penny Radke in 1998. She learned about using grants with
VR at that time. ResCare leadership did not know about VR and how it worked. Her supervisor had
extensive knowledge of VR and connections were made so Penny came out and spoke to ResCare about VR. LaChalle left ResCare and started Hire Opportunities and she needed another employment
consultant, so she reached out to Jim Black, and they worked together starting in 2003. ResCare offered to buy her business afterward, so she and Jim went back to ResCare.
This is when a new VRC started in 2011 and heard about LaChalle at ResCare. We got to know each
other through a pilot program called Great Expectations. During this program I noticed that LaChalle was a job coaching expert. She truly understood how to coach job tasks in various manners. With our VR cases, LaChalle would ask questions about referrals and provide reports such as action plans that were extremely detailed. This early introduction to good reports became the standard for me as a VRC.
LaChalle always focuses on the customer. She has high expectations and gives customer’s
responsibilities so that the experience is realistic as in employment.
LaChalle’s current company, JUMP (Jobs U Make Possible), started in 2012 with Tim Blassingame. Tim
left in 2018 and LaChalle became the sole proprietor again. LaChalle has taught many counselors what
a good report looks like, what information is needed, and how to collaborate about and with customers.
I have appreciated her questions and clarifications that were asked on policy and services and at no time did LaChalle ever treat me or anyone in VR with disrespect or that she came off more knowledgeable.
She’s never lorded it over someone that she knew more than they did and was always accommodating.
She learned dignity and respect from her ResCare experience, and that was her niche.
The first time you think you know more than someone else is when you're gonna get slammed.
There is sometimes difficulty with consistency when working with VRC's and they may have a different interpretation of policy or services. LaChalle said that there is more consistency now across regions. LaChalle adapts to what is asked for from each counselor because they ask their client to adapt as well. It is apparent that this is a tenet of JUMP's business model because of that consistency.
LaChalle and I have talked a few times over the past year, sometimes for help on a counselor's cases and
sometimes about policy or procedure. LaChalle sent out a completed survey from her customers that
was very positive. She feels her relationship with VR is a good one. If more people knew about VR then
they could benefit from services. Many people don't understand what kinds of services are available to
them. This is true for employers and for customers. The take aways from client meetings with JUMP
have been that they are realistic and also have high expectations for responsibility on the part of the
customers. LaChalle and her team have patience where it is needed with certain customers. She and I
had a recent case that we worked with a customer for a year so our connection is not only at the
customer level but at the supervisory level when there are circumstances that warrant it. LaChalle
always has a happy and open demeanor, and her work is greatly appreciated.
2022 Client Name Withheld
"I thought JUMP support was pretty robust."
April 2022 An Employer
We are marking a one year anniversary for Charles. This year has flown by. I truly believe that a big part of his success here is attributed to JUMP and Tracie Walton. Charles took extra supports to get settled with us. He lacked self confidence to advocate for himself and express his needs. Without the placement team to bridge the gap, I don’t think we would have been successful. Thank you for the extra communication, patience, and assistance you provided to Charles and [company name withheld]. KUDOS!
May 2022 Chris says:
“I am very pleased with JUMP. I really am. I wasn’t sure about how much assistance you would be for me, but LaChalle had some solid leads, and you were here for me when things went bad at Sherwin Williams. Thanks for everything you guys do.”
Jan 2022 From a Case Manager
"Please pass on my sincere thanks for all the great support for Andelin.
These summaries are so clear and helpful knowing where she is with work.
I always recommend JUMP, take care, mariette"
July 2021 (email from a parent/guardian)
"Thank you so very much for all your help with Hannah. Everything you did was very appreciated and Brandon was a complete joy to work with.
All the best!!"
Mar 10, 2021 (email from a parent/guardian)
"Brandon has been amazing with Hannah. She is always a bit nervous in the car on way to interview but when she gets with him she calms right down. He’s amazing!!"
Feb 26, 2021 (email from a parent/guardian)
"We are so pleased on how well you keep us informed about Meagan’s case. Very much appreciated and frankly, quite rare. We are veterans in the special needs game and are blessed that we chose JUMP to manage Meagan’s employment services. If this was Yelp- you guys get 5+ stars!" "
September 18, 2015 ·(JUMP Facebook Post)
"Thanks to you all, [name withheld] loves her new job!!! She is so excited everyday to get ready for work and go!! Brandon has done a great job with her, [name withheld] really likes him. Thank you all so much!!!!!! This is a happy mom because my child is so excited! She had called me everyday since she started telling me everything! It is awesome! Believe that I am so bragging on you all!!!!"
January 10, 2017 (Nexus Newsletter Feature)
Julia was referred to Jobs U Make Possible, LLC (aka JUMP) from Kansas Rehabilitation Services for Job Preparation Services and later for Customized Placement Services.
Julia had been unemployed since 2005 raising her daughter since relocating to Wichita from western Kansas. She had many years of work experience in western Kansas but limited in Wichita.
During Job Preparation Services we updated her resume, practiced interviews, provided her with tools to reduce her anxieties and increase her coping skills since she identified these as issues she had in the past. We also helped her research industry standards in child care, which was her job interest. Since
she had been out of the industry for so long, she needed to be aware of the current industry standards.
Julia spent about 3 months in Job Preparation Services and once we had accomplished all of our objectives we moved on to Customized Placement Services. During Customized Placement we helped her apply for jobs and connected her with employers who were in the childcare industry. Within a few months Julia had an opportunity to interview at with a child care
center where she was hired. She also works part time at Chuck E Cheese where she is a Character.
She enjoys working with children again. She recently received a raise, became Employee of the Month at Chuck E Cheese and has moved into her own apartment with her daughter.
We really enjoyed watching Julia prosper in her work goals and are so happy for her.
May 29,2019 (JUMP Facebook Post)
Introducing, Amenah, one of our ROCK STARS! She has great people skills, a wonderful work ethic and has taken on manufacturing with pride. In just over a month she went from being hired as a Quarter Back, then was promoted to Terminate Lead and now has been promoted yet again to Final Visual Lead. Every day with her is met with a smile. She has a positive outlook on herself, life and is just a joy to be around. Congratulations Amenah, you have made us proud!
Aug 30, 2019 Email from a parent
I just wanted to say how much we appreciate Brandon. He has been great when I needed information. We are really pleased with the job he helped Gregory find.